Student photos

We have finished student pictures for the year! If you haven't seen proofs in your email yet, please double-check your spam folders. If they still can't be found, contact with your student's name and she will sort you out.
Please use the paper order form we sent home to indicate your choices. (It's attached here as well.)
You can return it to the school or directly to Taryn at the above email. Taryn will review your order, combine it if you have multiple children, and invoice you for the correct amount. She will provide etransfer instructions on the invoice. We can also collect cash payments at the school.
If you've never heard of it before, a "digital file" means you are buying a full-resolution digital copy of your choice of pose, which you have full permission to use and print in whatever way you choose. The other choices indicate the sizes of printed physical photos that will be provided for you.
If you have any further questions or requests, Taryn is eager to help!