End of Year Notes

Here are the plans for our last week of school:
Thursday June 13 Regular classes (Grade 9 Math PAT pt A during class)
Friday June 14 Regular classes
Monday June 17 Exams: Gr 6 Math, Gr 7 Math, Gr 8 LA, Gr 9 Science
Tuesday June 18 Exams: Gr 6 Science, Gr 7 LA, Gr 8 Math, Gr 9 Math pt B
Wednesday June 19
8 am: Locker cleanout
8:30: Grade 9 Social PAT
Grade 6-8 Awards assembly (families welcome)
9:15: Exams: Gr 6 Social, Gr 7 Social, Gr 8 Science
6:30 pm: Grade 9 graduation (everyone welcome)
*Monday-Wednesday students who finish their exam may leave early. Please send a note, call the school, or pick up your student. Students who stay will be expected to study for their next exam until regular transportation home.
Thursday June 20 Last day will only be a HALF DAY.
Hike to Little Beaver (south of Payne Lake)
Be prepared for a day outside (jacket, sunscreen, bug spray, snacks, etc.). Students are welcome to bring fishing rods and/or swimsuits. Families are welcome to join us but need to plan their own transportation.
We will return to the school for buses home at 11:45.
-Final report cards will be mailed out the last week of June.
-Please check your email for instructions on updating registrations for next year!
-Please ensure all band instruments are returned to the school before Jun 20, 2024. Students wanting to keep instruments to practice over the summer must have a conversation with Mr. Swendsen (barrett.swendsen@westwind.ab.ca)
-Library books need to be returned by Jun 14, 2024. Students wanting to use library books over the summer need to check with Mrs. Demes (april.demes@westwind.ab.ca)
-Grade 9 graduation: Wednesday, June 19th 6:30 pm in the school gym. Grads, please arrive by 6:15. There will be a program with treats afterwards. Grads are encouraged to wear their best clothes. Attendees may dress casually or formally, as they wish. No tickets are needed; please invite whomever you would like. Please remember to pay for your grad hoodies! $55.