Principal's Letter September 5, 2024

Welcome to the 2024-2025 school year at Spring Glen Junior High!
We have record enrollment this year. Our school is becoming known as a caring place where kids can succeed. One of the things I hate most about my job is having to tell people there is no room for them in our school, but that’s exactly what I’ve had to say to several families. I hope each student appreciates the great opportunities they have here. Thank you to all our staff and all of our families for contributing to our school.
This year, we have expanded our motto to reinforce the school culture we try to live. “Be kind, work hard, play hard, lead the way.” This motto helps us remember our core expectations of each other: treat everyone with respect, focus on learning, have fun, and help others through our example.
We are continuing to emphasize character education with our weekly manner. Watch our bulletin boards and the website for the current manner. Please contact the office if you would like a book to follow along with us at home.
Many students enjoy the privilege of going to the stores during our lunch break. We will continue to allow this. Parents and guardians need to provide permission for their children to leave school grounds. Please talk to your child about your expectations, and remind them that all school rules apply while visiting the stores. Watch your email for the permission form, which will be in effect starting this Monday.
Next Friday, September 13, everyone is invited to join us for a “Welcome Back” breakfast. We will serve pancakes and sausages from 7:45-8:30. Student Council elections will follow this. This is a great opportunity for you to get to know the staff and for the staff to meet you. We hope you will be able to attend.
Our Terry Fox Run, held together with Spring Glen Elementary, will be on Monday, September 16, in the afternoon. We will bus kids down to Spring Glen Park for the run and be back at the school for regular transportation home.
I am very excited to announce that the Spring Glen Schools will be holding a Duck Race fundraiser sponsored by the Cardston Rotary Club! If you don’t know, here’s how it works: You make a donation to the school, and a rubber duck is entered into the race for you. On September 27, we will put all the ducks in an irrigation canal and race them. The first several ducks across the finish line will win cash prizes for their owners. There will also be prizes for the students who bring in the most donations. Watch for more details next week.
I am looking forward to a year full of learning and fun. Please know that my door is always open if you have concerns or questions.
Mr. Jamie Barfuss, Principal