Special events coming up

March 30, 2023
Dear families,
We have a busy week coming up and we wanted to let you know about some new things that have been added to the calendar.
Tuesday, April 4
All students will be going to Pincher Creek for an open swim in the morning. Kids who don’t want to swim will still come with us. There is an area where they can work on assignments or read. Students can bring lunch or eat from the concession when we get back. We will not be stopping or allowing students to go downtown while in Pincher Creek. We will have regular classes in the afternoon.
Wednesday, April 5
Grade 9 students will be spending the day in Lethbridge for the Career Transitions “Epic Day” career fair. Bus will leave as soon as everyone arrives in the morning. Students need to bring a bagged lunch. There will not be time or access to purchase food. We will be back around 4 pm. Bus will stop at SGE and SGJH for meeting rides.
Thursday, April 6
All students will travel into Cardston first thing in the morning for a special guest presentation: JR LaRose, former CFL player and motivational speaker. We will be back for lunch time and afternoon classes.
We will be getting a calendar to you right away with the rest of the year’s events.