

At Home Learning beginning November 30 for grades…

Posted on November 29 2020

Dear Parents and Guardians, As most of you know, starting Monday November 30 some changes are occurring at the school.  These changes are mandated by the Provincial Government. All students in grade…

Updated Daily Health Checklist

Posted on October 30 2020

Please click the "Daily Health Screen Checklist" link at the right (on desktop) or the bottom (on mobile) of the page. Guidelines are continually evolving and we will always keep the most current there.

Welcome Back Breakfast and Student Council Elections

Posted on September 15 2020

We missed having our families and communities out for breakfast this year, but don't worry, we ate lots of pancakes and sausages for you!  This year's Student Council was elected as well: President:…

Letter from Mr. Barfuss: the coming school year and…

Posted on August 17 2020

August 14, 2020   Dear Parents/Guardians: I am sending out this letter to explain my thoughts and to present some facts about the next school year.  My first concern is with families that are considering…

SGJHS Return to School Plan

Posted on August 13 2020

The education world has been dramatically altered since mid-March because of COVID-19.  Our school year will be a little different than most.  We are attempting to have a solution that has a balance…

Healthy Teens newsletter from Alberta Health Services

Posted on June 3 2020

Conversations about tobacco and cannabis use, and tips for maintaining positive body image.

End of year announcments

Posted on May 29 2020

Dear Parents/Guardians/Students   I appreciate everything everyone has done to work through all the difficulties related to COVID 19.  This has been a year like no other.  I feel bad for the lost interaction…

Grade 9 Graduation

Posted on May 27 2020

As we approach the end of the year, we are discussing options for celebrating our Grade 9 class before they head to high school. We would like your feedback. We are obviously restricted in what we can…

Updates from Alberta Health: How Covid-19 affects…

Posted on May 14 2020

Regular school-delivered immunizations are on hold right now due to school closures. Infant and early childhood immunizations are still available. Read all the details here:  Alberta Health memo re routine…

Healthy Teens newsletter from Alberta Health Services

Posted on May 4 2020

Information on self-harm in teens, and reminders about getting enough water in your day.

Spring Break Update from Mr. Barfuss

Posted on April 24 2020

April 24, 2020 Dear Parents, Guardians, and families: We are currently under unprecedented times and are facing changes in education that have never been seen before.  Amid these tough times, I would…

Letter from the Superintendent: Student grading during…

Posted on April 20 2020

Letter from the Superintendent: Student grading during home learning Please click the link to read Mr. Mazutinec's letter detailing how students will be assessed this year's grades. 

Changes to Spring Break Dates

Posted on April 7 2020

Easter/Spring Break Date Changes   What an interesting few weeks it has been for Team Westwind, as we have all had to work hard to adapt to our new learning landscape as a result of the worldwide COVID-19…

Healthy Teens newsletter from Alberta Health Services

Posted on April 6 2020

Understanding 'consent', and advice on sports mouth guards.

Plans for students working at home

Posted on March 18 2020

Dear Spring Glen Parents / Guardians, We would like to give you information about how your student’s education will look going forward.  At this point, the teachers have decided that the most effective…

Letter from Mr. Barfuss

Posted on March 16 2020

Dear Parents:   A lot has changed in the education world in the last 24 hours.  This is an unprecedented situation and there also may be more coming.  I will update information as soon as possible.…

Letter from Division regarding school closure

Posted on March 16 2020

Hi Westwind Families, This afternoon, the Government of Alberta, Alberta Health Services, and Alberta Education announced new measures to limit the spread of COVID-19. Effective immediately, all K to…

Alberta Health Services advice on Novel Coronavirus

Posted on March 4 2020

Here's a statement from Alberta's Chief Medical Officer of Health on the current best practices around the virus, and flu season in general. Click to view.

Healthy Teens newsletter from Alberta Health Services

Posted on March 3 2020

Modelling healthy food habits and learning to manage your emotions.

Field Trips Thursday February 27

Posted on February 25 2020

Two field trips this Thursday take advantage of current attractions we don't want our students to miss! The 8/9 classes will be going to Calgary Science Centre and the 6/7 classes will be going to Lethbridge…